Paul Archer - photo Paul Archer - poet, translator



As the night is dark

As the night is dark
And the road so short,
Why don’t you come, my friend?
As midnight goes by,
He who ruined me doesn’t come;
My fate holds him back,
Because I am a girl in distress.
I find myself helpless,
I carry a great passion within me.
O why don’t you come, my friend?

English translation by Paul Archer of the text of Si la noche haze escura by Diego Pisador (c1509- after 1557) from Libro de música para vihuela, Salamanca, 1552.

Si la noche haze escura

Si la noche haze escura
y tan corto es el camino,
¿Como no venis, amigo?
Si la media noche es pasada
Y el que me pena no viene;
Mi ventura lo detiene,
por que soy muy desdichada.
Véome desamparada
gran pasión tengo conmigo.
¿Como no venis, amigo?

Recording. Performed by Shirley Rumsey from the album Music of the Spanish Renaissance.

Copyright notice. The translation is provided as an aid to musicians and audiences. Publication of the translation in print or digital formats is expressly forbidden unless permission from the author has been first obtained and acknowledgement of authorship is duly made. Permission will usually be granted so please contact Paul Archer with details of how you wish to make use of the translation.

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Translations of early music texts.

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