Paul Archer - photo Paul Archer - poet, translator



You are simple and complex

You are simple and complex
you pursue the truth that escapes you
you castle yourself in the girl you are not
you seduce and give yourself up for affection.
You are no-one and no-one knows you
anger overcomes you in a second
the thunder of your fists deafens you
you walk along the edge of a leaf.
You skirt an abyss of madness
you slip and cling hold to an idea
you burn with incomplete passions
through borrowed ephemeral days.
In front is a territory, hostile and gentle,
behind you is a chain of miseries
you hold in your head only the sky
the immensity of everything inside and outside.

Ascend to the blue that is grey and black
descend to the deep red of desire
be detached from mistakes and troubles
walk with your feet made of lime and sand.

English translation by Paul Archer of 'Eres simple y compleja' by Conchi da Silva.

Eres simple y compleja

Eres simple y compleja
persigues la verdad, que se te escapa
te enrocas en la niña que no eres
seduces y te entregas por cariño.

No eres nadie ni nadie te imagina
te supera la ira en un segundo
te desborda el estruendo de tus golpes
caminas por el canto de una hoja.

Bordeas un abismo de locura
resbalas y te aferras a una idea
te quemas en pasiones incompletas
en efímeros días que te prestan.

Delante un territorio hostil y dulce
detrás una cadena de miserias
sólo tienes el cielo en tu cabeza
la inmensidad del todo dentro y fuera.

Asciende hacia el azul que es gris y negro
desciende al rojo intenso del deseo
despréndete de errores y de penas
camina con tus pies de cal y arena.

Listen to Conchi da Silva reading her poem 'Eres simple y compleja'.

For more translations of poems by Conchi da Silva, go to Translations.

© Paul Archer - All Rights Reserved